Product:Stop-DWI Scenario-Based Interactive Training Presentation
Macromedia Authorware, digital video
Client Objective
Develop a CBT scenario that would dramatically communicate to young drivers the dangers of Driving While Impaired. The challenge was to personalize the message to break through the "invulnerability" barrier that commonly surrounds young adults.
A street-wise teenage narrator delivers a powerful message directly at his youthful audience. He is aided by the sophisticated application of a log-in script that inserts the user's name and other statistics into an authentic scenario involving an accident, an arrest and the legal consequences of Driving While Impaired.
The dramatic high speed accident scene was filmed with the help of the Troy Police Department and a powerful video testimonial made by the relative of an actual DWI victim adds to the presentation's authenticity. The piece concludes with the user keying in his or her own judgment of the perpetrator's action. For statistical purposes the names and attendance dates of each user are logged to an on-board database.